Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement

School Meals

We have our own school kitchen and school meals are cooked on site; our current catering provider is Nourish. 

From September 2014 all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are entitled to a free school lunch under the government's Universal Free School Meal Scheme.  

For all other children school dinners will be £2.68 per day, £13.40 per week. Dinner money should be paid on the Monday of the week that your child is having school dinners. 

You can pay by debit/credit card by visiting Parent Pay. 

Menu - april to October 2024

Free School Meals 

If you are receiving certain benefits, you may be eligible to receive Free School Meals for your child. This is completely different scheme to the Universal Free School Meals mentioned above. Your eligibility can be checked online easily and quickly. Please use the link below for further information and to check eligibility: 

KCC - Free School Meals

Packed Lunches 

We encourage children to eat healthily and ask that parents support the school by providing a balanced and nutritious packed lunch. They are not allowed to bring sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks to school.  


Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction, which is becoming more common, and in an extreme situation could be life threatening. For this reason we ask parents not to include nuts or nut products in packed lunches and to provide an alternative to Peanut Butter & Nutella sandwiches. Please avoid all types of chocolate spread as these may contain traces of nuts. We have a number of children across the school who have severe allergic reactions to nuts and products containing nuts. 

We are a nut free school.