Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement

School Uniform

We believe that the children should all look smart and wear the same uniform. Uniform helps pupils to prepare for when they leave school and may have to dress smartly or wear a uniform. Uniforms can raise expectations of themselves; when dressed neatly, pupils tend to behave appropriately as they are taking pride in themselves. 

One of our core values is community; wearing a uniform helps pupils gain a sense of belonging within a community with equality. 

Most of the uniform can be bought at local shops at a reasonable price and the PTA have a wide selection of pre-owned uniform.  

Cardigans, sweatshirts and waterproof coats with the school logo can be ordered online by visiting

Pre-owned uniform can be purchased from the PTA via their pre-loved uniform stall. These events happen termly and are advertised via the school newsletter.

All items of clothing must be clearly named.  


  • Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore 
  • White polo shirt or shirt 
  • Royal Blue Sweatshirt or cardigan (no hoodies) 
  • White, or grey or black socks 
  • Grey or black tights 
  • Black, flat sensible school shoes (not trainers or boots) 

PE Kit

Children should wear their PE kit to school on their allocated PE day and they wear it for the whole day. 

  • Plain white t-shirt or polo shirt 
  • White or navy shorts 
  • Tracksuit (preferably blue, black or grey – no hoodies) 
  • Black plimsolls or white trainers 

Extra Information 

Coats should be warm and waterproof during the winter months.  

No jewellery is permitted at school, with the exception of plain gold or silver stud earrings. The only exceptions to this are in the case of jewellery worn for religious reasons, in which case parents need to make a written request and for newly-pierced ears, when the studs cannot be removed for several weeks. In this case, the earrings are to be taped during school hours, before entering school each day. In order to avoid difficulties, the ideal time to have ears pierced therefore, is right at the beginning of the summer break. 

During hot weather children are encouraged to wear hats to protect their necks and ears. Sun cream should be applied before they come to school. Sunglasses are not permitted unless a child has a medical condition, when a letter from the doctor is required.  

Nail varnish and make up is not permitted. 

Uniform Policy