Maypole Primary School received a short Ofsted inspection on 12 June 2018, following the previous ‘GOOD’ Ofsted inspection in 2013. The school continues to be ‘GOOD’ and Safeguarding is effective.
The Ofsted report highlights the following features of the school:
- The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.
- Headteacher, governors and senior leaders have resolutely focused on continuing to improve the quality of teaching and learning. As a result, standards are rising.
- Pupils’ attainment and progress in writing are a strength of the school.
- Proportion of pupils who met the expected standards in phonics has been above the national figure for Year 1 and year 2 pupils since 2015.
- Pupils speak enthusiastically about the variety within the curriculum. They find their learning exciting and purposeful. As a result, behaviour in the classroom is excellent and pupils give of their best and work hard in lessons.
- Children are safe and happy in school.
- The pastoral care of children is a strength of the school. Vulnerable pupils receive excellent support from the school’s pastoral team.
- Pupils who have SEN and /or disabilities are supported well. Bespoke programmes are delivered by skilled teaching assistants and graduate tutors to improve basic skills, confidence and self-esteem.
- Additional funding for disadvantaged pupils is well targeted. As a result, disadvantaged pupils make excellent progress.
- Governance is strong. Governors are committed to the school; they have a clear insight into the school’s strengths and areas for development and can hold leaders to account for continuous school improvement
- The local authority has confidence in the leadership of the school and the accuracy of leaders’ assessment.